Exporting edited form data

Exporting edited form data

jkilgusjkilgus Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am building a form like the simple example here: https://editor.datatables.net/examples/simple/simple.html

I am building it using Visual Studio with an aspx page and code behind aspx.cs file

I don't have a lot of scripting experience so I am trying to learn more now.

With standard jQuery calls there are get() and post() operations to get and send data to the server.

With DataTables I downloaded a solution file and saw that it was calling for a server side PHP script through an API using models and controllers to serve up the php.

And the datatables program looks for that php file using the line: ajax: "php/staff.php"

In my program instead of using the ajax line, I'm using: data: JSONtable

as a data source for the table and the table loads and populates perfectly.

I'm using a function that takes a DataTable from SQL and converts it to JSON and then injects it into the page
as a javascript var. I'm not sure how to track this process though on the client browser side to watch this var
get populated. It may be possible debugging through Chrome I will have to see.

So my question is, when I press New or Edit buttons on the form, how do I capture and save that new
form data? Is my data: JSONtable var being edited and so then I would need to convert it back to a table
to update SQL?

Can I use the standard post() operation? Or is it already being done by the datatables in a script library and
I just need to call it with a line such as the data: JSONfile line?

In short, where is my data going when I submit a New or Edit form? And can I capture that data without building an API
style suite of classes that use models and controllers?

I attached my HTML code but here is the core of it:

        // -----------------------------
        // --- Init Table Editor--------
        // -----------------------------
        var editor;

        $(document).ready(function () {
            editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
                "table": '#table_language',
                "data": LanguageDataJSON,
                idSrc: 'IDXDesc',
                //"formOptions": { // this can be enabled for in-line editing
                //    inline: {
                //        onBlur: 'submit'
                //    }
                "fields": [
                        label: 'IDXDesc',
                        name: 'IDXDesc',
                        label: 'PlanCode',
                        name: 'PlanCode',
                        label: 'Version',
                        name: 'Version',
                        label: 'Abbrev',
                        name: 'Abbrev',
                        label: 'Short',
                        name: 'Short',
                        label: 'Long',
                        name: 'Long',
                        label: 'Description',
                        name: 'Description',

            // This can also be enabled to enable in-line editing along with the lines commented out above "formOptions"
            //$('#table_language').on('click', 'tbody td', function (e) {
            //    editor.inline(this);

            // -----------------------------
            // --- Generate Table ----------
            // -----------------------------
                "data": LanguageDataJSON,
                "dom": "Bfrtip",
               // "pageLength": 10,
               // "processing": false,
               // "deferRender": false,
               // "autoWidth": true,
               // "serverSide": false,
                "columns": [
                        "data": "IDXDesc",
                        "visible": true,
                        "data": "PlanCode",
                        "visible": true,
                        "data": "Version",
                        "data": "Abbrev",
                        "data": "Short",
                        "data": "Long",
                        "data": "Description",
                "select": true,
                "buttons": [
                    { extend: "create", editor: editor },
                    { extend: "edit", editor: editor },
                    { extend: "remove", editor: editor }

           // $('#table_language').on('click', 'tbody td', function (e) {
           //     editor.inline(this);
           // });


and here is the only really important part of my code behind:

    public void GetData()
        DS = GetDBData.GetLanguageTable(uid, sid);
        DT = DS.Tables[0];
        UtilityLibrary.WriteDataTableJSON_JSvar(DT, "LanguageDataJSON", true);

And I attached some pictures of the grid in action

Thank you for any help. And if this has been covered somewhere before I don't mind reading some links or tutorials
if anybody knows where I might be able to figure this out.

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • jkilgusjkilgus Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I was searching through previous Editor threads and found this information about ajax.data that could be useful:

    "Submit data as JSON in the request body:"

    var editor = new $.fn.Editor( {
        ajax:  {
            url: 'php/staff.php',
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: function ( d ) {
                return JSON.stringify( d );
        table: '#myTable'
    } );

    So in my example in the first post I am just using a data: key without it being in an ajax: {} subtree, yet it still works for loading data into the table. Could I possibly use a function like the one above to pass the modified JSON package to an .ashx page instead of a php page for procesing?

  • jkilgusjkilgus Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I think I figured it out.

    I'm using these functions to successfully grab the updated table after pressing this button:

    <asp:Button ID="Check_Data" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="MyAlert()" />
            function GetTableData() {
                var table = $('#table_language').DataTable();
                //return table.rows().data();
                return table.data().toArray();
            function MyAlert() {
                var data = GetTableData();
                var JSONdatastr = JSON.stringify(data);

    And from there it should be a simple Ajax post

            var fd = new FormData();
            fd.append('JSONdata', JSONdatastr);
            fd.append("mode", 1);   // mode 0 = JSON upload for insert to table in SQL
            fd.append("uid", uid);
            fd.append("eid", eid);
            fd.append("sc", sc);
            // Make AJAX POST
            var url = myServerProcessor.ashx";
            var request = jQuery.ajax({
                type: "POST",
                url: url,
                data: fd,
                processData: false,
                contentType: false,
                dataType: "json"
  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599
    Answer ✓

    Excellent, glad you got it sorted - that looks good to me.


This discussion has been closed.