Row Height with fixed table height with few rows

Row Height with fixed table height with few rows

gregatxojogregatxojo Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

We're using DataTables with:
* a fixed height throught scrollY
* horizontal scrolling through scrollX = true
* scroller = true
* paging = true
* serverSide = true
We need to have the DataTable have a static height, but also not have the rows expand to full height if there aren't enough rows to fill the entire height. In other words, if the table is 300px tall and there are only three rows, I don't want the rows to be 100px tall each. Anyone know if there's a way to auto-fill the rest of the space with rows to make it look right in this circumstance?


  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    This thread might fit the bill - it's asking something along the same lines,


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