SearchPanes - conditional format of list item

SearchPanes - conditional format of list item

montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5
edited April 2020 in Free community support

Is there a way to add formatting or classes to particular list items in the Search Panel. For example, if Due Date is past due, make the due date (or the whole row preferred) red and bold

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • sandysandy Posts: 913Questions: 0Answers: 236

    Hi @montoyam,

    Yes it is possible to do this. Take a look at this example. You'll see in the example there are a couple of commented lines depending on what date you want to compare against.

    There are a couple of things going on here. Firstly we are using columnDefs to set the config for the data columns SearchPane, effectively avoiding all of the others. We can then use searchPanes.dtOpts to set the properties of the SearchPanes own DataTable. Then it is just a case of rendering the only column dependant on the date from the column and your chosen comparison date. We can use a columns.render function for this. This function needs to return the data in the same form as it does in the other panes, hence the spans and classes. We add a div with a background-color set for the expired dates.

    Hope this helps,

  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5
    edited April 2020

    I have having trouble figuring out where to put that code in mine. When I put it in my DataTable columns[] definitions, nothing appears to happen. I already have a SearchPanes section that applies to all the search panes, so not sure how to target only searchpane #4 which has my dates.

                var SubmissionsTable = $('#Submissions').DataTable({
                    searchPanes: {
                        cascadePanes: true,
                        viewTotal: true,
                        controls: false,
                        layout: 'columns-6',
                        emptyMessage: "<i><b>none</b></i>",
                        dtOpts: {
                            "columnDefs": [{
                                "targets": 8,
                                "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
                                     var today = new Date();
                                    var compare = new Date(data);
                                    return today.getTime() > compare.getTime() ?
                                        '<div style="background-color:red;><span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span></div>' :
                                        '<span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span>';
                        targets: [4]
                    dom: 'PBfrtip',
                    ajax: {
                        url: 'api/Submissions',
                        type: 'post',
                        //grab the status of the 'Show Active Only' toggle and send it to the form 
                            data: function (d) {
                                //d['FilterActive'] = ($("#activeFilter").prop("checked") === true) ? 1 : 0;
                    columns: [
                        //first column is blank and using CSS (class details-control) an icon will be here if note records exist                
                                "class": "details-control",
                                "orderable": false,
                                "data": null,
                                "defaultContent": ""
                        { data: "Submissions.SubmissionID" },
                            data: "SubmissionStatus.SubmissionStatus",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true,
                                preSelect: ['Not Assigned', 'Assigned']
                        { data: "AssignedTo.UserName" },
                        { data: "SubmissionTypes.SubmissionType" },
                        { data: "Submissions.EmployeeName" },
                            data: "Submissions.NeedsCCReview",
                            render: function (data, type, row) {
                                return (data == 1) ? "Yes" : "No";
                        { data: "CCAssignedTo.UserName" },
                            data: "Submissions.DueDate",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true
    /*                            ,
                                render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
                                    var today = new Date(); 
                                    var compare = new Date(data);
                                    return today.getTime() > compare.getTime() ? 
                                        '<div style="background-color:red;><span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span></div>' :
                                        '<span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span>';
                        { data: "ResolutionMethods.ResolutionMethod" },
                        { data: "Submissions.EnteredBy" },
                        { data: "Submissions.RecordAdded" }
                    //for that first column, when the row is created get rid of the class if no notes exist
                        createdRow: function (row, data, line, cells) {
                            if (data.vw_Submissions.HasNotes == 0 ) {
                    lengthChange: false,
                    autoWidth: false,
                    responsive: true,
                    buttons: [
                        { extend: 'create', editor: SubmissionsEditor },
                            //if submission is Resolved, then submit/edit not allowed, only close edit screen.
                            extend: 'edit',
                            text: 'Edit/View',
                            editor: SubmissionsEditor,
                            formButtons: {
                                text: function () {
                                    var selected = SubmissionsTable.row({ selected: true });
                                    if ( == 0) {
                                        return 'Update';
                                    } else {
                                        return 'Close';
                                action: function () {
                                    var selected = SubmissionsTable.row({ selected: true });
                                    if ( == 0) {
                                    } else {

    With the code above, I am getting an error for each SearchPane:

    DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0 - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0, column 0. 
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026

    I believe that the the dtOpts in searchPanes is applied to the Datatable created for the searchPane. Sandy's example has this:

            show: true,
              "columnDefs": [ {
                "targets": 0,

    But you have targets: 8. It should be targets: 0. Its strange to think about but the SearchPane is a Dattaable which you deal with separate from the main table :smile:


  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5

    i later saw that I was not using dtOpts in my column[] section (line 62 above), so I changed it to this and still no luck (no error, but no style happening);

                            data: "Submissions.DueDate",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true,
                                dtOpts: {
                                    render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
                                        var today = new Date();
                                        var compare = new Date(data);
                                        return today.getTime() > compare.getTime() ?
                                            '<div style="background-color:red;><span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span></div>' :
                                            '<span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span>';
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026

    I noticed your comment came in the same time as mine. Just want to make sure you see my above comment.


  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5
    edited April 2020

    thanks. that worked to change it to column zero. but, why doesn't the dtOpts work within the column[] section like the other searchPane options do, like show and preSelect?

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026

    Like I mentioned earlier the dtOtps is for the searchPane Datatable not the main table column. You need to define columnDefs etc just like Sandy's original example.


  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5

    ah, got it. So since the searchpane is a datatable separate from the main one that contains all the data. What if I need my rule to be, if (DueDate < today && ResolutionMethodID == 0) since ResolutionMethod is not contained in the DueDate searchpane data.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026
    edited April 2020

    Since SearchPanes is a grouping of like data how would you differentiate between (DueDate < today && ResolutionMethodID == 0) and (DueDate < today && ResolutionMethodID != 0)? I may be mistaken but you could end up with both in the same SearchPane row.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026
    edited April 2020 Answer ✓

    Depending on what you have and what you want to display in the SearchPane you could do a little manipulation with columns.searchPanes.orthogonal. In this example I pass along the row data I want using a span element with an HTML5 data attribute using columns.render in the main table.

    EDIT: A more interesting/clear example:

    Hope this gives you some ideas.


  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5

    as is typical with me, I am having trouble with the syntax referencing my data.

    In your code you have

    var val = $(data).data('value');

    I thought mine would be

    var val = $(data).data('Submissions.ResolutionMethodID');

    but that is coming back as undefined.
    my datatable is setup as, i think, as 'normal' and I THINK I have everything else like you have in your example.

                var SubmissionsTable = $('#Submissions').DataTable({
                    searchPanes: {
                        cascadePanes: true,
                        viewTotal: true,
                        controls: false,
                        layout: 'columns-6',
                        emptyMessage: "<i><b>none</b></i>"
                    dom: 'PBfrtip',
                    ajax: {
                        url: 'api/Submissions',
                        type: 'post',
                        //grab the status of the 'Show Active Only' toggle and send it to the form data
                        data: function (d) {
                            //d['FilterActive'] = ($("#activeFilter").prop("checked") === true) ? 1 : 0;
                    columns: [
                        //first column is blank and using CSS (class details-control) an icon will be here if note records exist                
                            "class": "details-control",
                            "orderable": false,
                            "data": null,
                            "defaultContent": ""
                        { data: "Submissions.SubmissionID" },
                            data: "SubmissionStatus.SubmissionStatus",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true,
                                preSelect: ['Not Assigned', 'Assigned']
                        { data: "AssignedTo.UserName" },
                        { data: "SubmissionTypes.SubmissionType" },
                        { data: "Submissions.EmployeeName" },
                            data: "Submissions.NeedsCCReview",
                            render: function (data, type, row) {
                                return (data == 1) ? "Yes" : "No";
                        { data: "CCAssignedTo.UserName" },
                            data: "Submissions.DueDate",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true,
                                orthogonal: 'sp',
                                dtOpts: {
                                    columnDefs: [{
                                    targets: 0,
                                        render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
                                            var today = new Date();
                                            var compare = new Date(data);
                                            var val = $(data).data('Submissions.ResolutionMethodID');
                                            return (val == 0) && (today.getTime() > compare.getTime()) ? 
                                                '<div style="background-color:red;><span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span></div>' :
                                                '<span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span>';
                            render: function (data, type, row) {
                                if (type === 'sp') {
                                    return '<span data-value="' + row.Submissions.ResolutionMethodID + '">' + data + '</span>';
                                return data;
                        { data: "ResolutionMethods.ResolutionMethod" },
                        { data: "Submissions.EnteredBy" },
                        { data: "Submissions.RecordAdded" }
                    //for that first column, when the row is created get rid of the class if no notes exist
                        createdRow: function (row, data, line, cells) {
                            if (data.vw_Submissions.HasNotes == 0 ) {
                    lengthChange: false,
                    autoWidth: false,
                    responsive: true,
                    buttons: [
                        { extend: 'create', editor: SubmissionsEditor },
                            //if submission is Resolved, then submit/edit not allowed, only close edit screen.
                            extend: 'edit',
                            text: 'Edit/View',
                            editor: SubmissionsEditor,
                            formButtons: {
                                text: function () {
                                    var selected = SubmissionsTable.row({ selected: true });
                                    if ( == 0) {
                                        return 'Update';
                                    } else {
                                        return 'Close';
                                action: function () {
                                    var selected = SubmissionsTable.row({ selected: true });
                                    if ( == 0) {
                                    } else {
  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5

    line 57 above is where my trouble seems to start :(

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026

    You have:

    return '<span data-value="' + row.Submissions.ResolutionMethodID + '">' + data + '</span>';

    The actual data attribute is value so you need:

    var val = $(data).data('value');

    Here is a tutorial on using HTM5 data attributes:


  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5

    ahhh, I see. that 'value' was not referring to your data column called 'value', but rather the html5 data. Got it.

    Yes, I see what you mean by you could get two dates (one past due and one not past due) but that is ok. The fact that it is color coded helps one make sens of that.

    Also, I see that dtOpts does work within the column[] definitions, I must have just coded it incorrectly.

    So, here is the finished code...thank you so much Keven and Sandy. I have been pulling my hair out on this one feature all day.

  • montoyammontoyam Posts: 568Questions: 136Answers: 5
                            data: "Submissions.DueDate",
                            searchPanes: {
                                show: true,
                                orthogonal: 'sp',
                                dtOpts: {
                                    columnDefs: [{
                                        targets: 0,
                                        render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
                                            var today = new Date();
                                            var compare = new Date(data);
                                            var val = $(data).data('value');
                                            return (val == -1) ?
                                                '<div style="background-color:red;><span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span></div>' :
                                                '<span class="dtsp-name"">' + data + '</span><span class="dtsp-pill">' + + '</span>';
                            render: function (data, type, row) {
                                if (type === 'sp') {
                                    var today = new Date();
                                    var compare = new Date(data);
                                    var resolutionID = row.Submissions.ResolutionMethodID;
                                    var isPastDue = (today.getTime() > compare.getTime() && resolutionID == 0) ? -1 : 0; //use -1 so past due sort to top
                                    return '<span data-value="' + isPastDue + '">' + data + '</span>';
                                return data;
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,722Questions: 26Answers: 5,026
    edited April 2020

    SearchPanes is a bit of a tricky one to learn how to use. Glad you got it working for your solution!

    @sandy may have a better solution for this.


  • sandysandy Posts: 913Questions: 0Answers: 236

    Looks good to me :)

    Glad it works for you @montoyam and thank you @kthorngren for the help.


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