I'm afraid I don't actually understand what you are looking for here. Are you trying to perform a filter on the page, or something else? Could you link to a page showing the issue please?
Unfortunately, the page is located on the local server. I will try to explain it by example.
<option> RED </ option>
<option> GREEN </ option>
<option> BLACK </ option>
<option> ALL COLORS</ option>
</ select>
The change event sends a request to the server, where the selection is made from the database by condition: ->where ('color', 'RED'). I need to select all the colors from the database.
Do you mean select all with the Select extension? If so, two options:
Select all from mysql. How to implement this on the server side?
I'm afraid I don't actually understand what you are looking for here. Are you trying to perform a filter on the page, or something else? Could you link to a page showing the issue please?
Unfortunately, the page is located on the local server. I will try to explain it by example.
<option> RED </ option>
<option> GREEN </ option>
<option> BLACK </ option>
<option> ALL COLORS</ option>
</ select>
The change event sends a request to the server, where the selection is made from the database by condition: ->where ('color', 'RED'). I need to select all the colors from the database.
Allan. Thanks. The problem is solved using WHERE LIKE.
Super - thanks for posting back and good to hear you've got it working now.