Why rowReorder is not sending ordercolumn value as param? How it works?

Why rowReorder is not sending ordercolumn value as param? How it works?

paweltrelapaweltrela Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0
edited April 2020 in Free community support


i have big issue with rowReorder feature.
I have bought dataTables editor but can't make rowReorder function to work.

When i drag an item, it works, but it is not sending data through the api.
The only thing which request is sending is row id.

I think that it should send me order parameter? Then i should modify it in controller, and
send response with new order which will update the query?

My code:

editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
    idSrc: 'id',
    ajax: {
        create: {
            type: "POST",
            url: "/api/production"
        edit: {
            type: "PATCH",
            url: "/api/production/_id_"
        remove: {
            type: "DELETE",
            url: "/api/production/_id_"
    table: "#example",
    fields: [{
        label: 'Order:',
        name: 'order',
        fieldInfo: 'This field can only be edited via click and drag row reordering.'
    }, {
        label: "Zadanie:",
        name: "name"
    }, {
        label: "Deadline:",
        name: "task_deadline",
        type: "date",
        def: function() {
            return new Date();
    }, {
        label: "Status:",
        name: "task_status",
        type: "select",
        options: [
            "Nie przypisano",
            "W trakcie",
            "Po stronie klienta",
            "Strona na domenie"
    }, {
        type: "hidden",
        name: "board_id",
        default: "<%= @board.id %>"
    }, {
        type: "hidden",
        name: "user_id",
        default: "<%= current_user.id %>"
    }, {
        label: "Grupa:",
        name: 'task_group',
        type: "select2",
        opts: {
            minimumResultsForSearch: 20,
        options: < %= raw @board.task_group % >
    }, {
        label: "Przypisano:",
        name: "assigned",
        type: "select",
        multiple: true,
        options: [ <
            % @users.each do |item | % > {
                    label: "<%= item.name %>",
                    value: "<%= item.id %>"
                }, <
                % end % >

$('#example').on('click', 'tbody td', function() {
    editor.inline(this, {
        submitOnBlur: true

var groupColumn = 5;
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    dom: "Bfrtip",
    ajax: {
        "url": "/api/boards/<%= @board.id %>",
    columnDefs: [{
        targets: '_all',
        defaultContent: " ",
        orderable: false,
        targets: groupColumn,
    }, {
        targets: 4,
        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.moment('YYYY-MM-DD', 'DD MMM YYYY', 'pl')
    //order: [[ groupColumn, 'asc' ]],
    order: [
        [0, 'asc']
    drawCallback: function(settings) {
        var api = this.api();
        var rows = api.rows({
            page: 'current'
        var last = null;
        var removeButton = '';

        api.column(groupColumn, {
            page: 'current'
        }).data().each(function(group, i) {
            if (last !== group) {
                    '<tr class="group"><td colspan="7"><strong>Grupa: </strong>' + group + ' ' + removeButton + '</td></tr>'

                last = group;
    rowGroup: {
        emptyDataGroup: null
    columns: [{
        data: "order",
        className: 'reorder order',
        width: "20px"
    }, {
        className: "text-center",
        render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
            var task_id = '<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#updateModal" data-remote="true" href="/updates/show?task_id=' + full.id + '"><i class="fas fa-comment-alt"></i></a><span id="task_' + full.id + '" class="task_counter">1</span>';
            return task_id;
        sortable: false,
        width: "20px"
    }, {
        data: "name",
        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.text(),
        width: "400px"
    }, {
        data: "task_status",
        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.text(),
        className: 'status-col-padding',
        width: "140px",
        render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
            var column_edit_style = 'column_edit_style'
            if (full.task_status == "Nie przypisano") {
                var color_class = "color_class_grey";
            } else if (full.task_status == "Przypisano") {
                var color_class = "color_class_light_green";
            } else if (full.task_status == "W trakcie") {
                var color_class = "color_class_orange";
            } else if (full.task_status == "Po stronie klienta") {
                var color_class = "color_class_light_blue";
            } else if (full.task_status == "Wstrzymano") {
                var color_class = "color_class_red";
            } else if (full.task_status == "Zaakceptowano") {
                var color_class = "color_class_pastel_green";
            } else if (full.task_status == "Strona na domenie") {
                var color_class = "color_class_dark_blue";
            var task_status = '<div class="status_square ' + column_edit_style + ' ' + color_class + '">' + full.task_status + '</div>';
            return task_status;
    }, {
        data: "task_deadline",
        width: "80px"
    }, {
        data: "task_group",
        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.text(),
        sortable: false,
    }, {
        data: "assigned",
        editField: "assigned",
        render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
            var full_assigned = full.assigned;
            items_assigned = '';

            function printAssigned(item) {
                items_assigned = items_assigned + item['label'] + ' ';
            return items_assigned;
    rowId: function(a) {
        return 'id_' + a.id;
    buttons: [{
            extend: "create",
            editor: editor
            extend: "remove",
            editor: editor
    rowReorder: {
        enable: true,
        dataSrc: 'order',
        editor: editor
    language: {
        buttons: {
            "create": "Nowy task",
            "remove": "Usuń"
        select: {
            rows: ""
        search: "Szukaj:",
        info: "Liczba zadań w tej tablicy: <strong>_TOTAL_</strong>",
        infoEmpty: "",
        emptyTable: "Brak zadań w tej tablicy",
    select: true,
    paging: false,
    fixedHeader: true

$('#example tbody').on('click', 'tr.group', function() {
    var currentOrder = table.order()[0];
    if (currentOrder[0] === groupColumn && currentOrder[1] === 'asc') {
        table.order([groupColumn, 'desc']).draw();
    } else {
        table.order([groupColumn, 'asc']).draw();

    .on('postCreate postRemove', function() {
        // After create or edit, a number of other rows might have been effected -
        // so we need to reload the table, keeping the paging in the current position
        table.ajax.reload(null, false);
    .on('initCreate', function() {
        // Enable order for create
    .on('initEdit', function() {
        // Disable for edit (re-ordering is performed by click and drag)


This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • colincolin Posts: 15,142Questions: 1Answers: 2,586
    Answer ✓

    There are a couple of things that might be the issue.

    1. rowId - you're creating your own tag there, but this should be the same as that used in the Editor initialisation, which is just the field id.
    2. you've declared columnDefs and columns - if you're using columns, then you shouldn't have columnDefs as they'll be overwritten. Merge them both in the columns

    Hope that helps,


  • paweltrelapaweltrela Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    @colin Thank you very much ! rowReorder is the function i am fighting since last month and it finally works!

    What i did:

    1. i've removed idSrc from my code and added DT_RowId field in my json with the value from id, it looks like this

    i've removed columnDefs and moved everything to the column fields.

    And now javascript is sending parameters through the PATCH method.
    Thank you!

This discussion has been closed.