custom button for excel export
custom button for excel export

I'm using the solution from @you2525 for excel export with multiple sheets
Is there also away to define a Custom button which exports a specific table to first sheet and other ones in following sheets and ad this button to each table?
My problem is how to start the excel export for a specific table.
Taking the example from @you2525 the export is initialized for table example and the sheet for table example2 is added.
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
dom: 'Bftrip',
buttons: [
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: 'Excel',
customize: function( xlsx ) {
setSheetName(xlsx, 'Calls');
addSheet(xlsx, '#example2', 'My Sheet2', 'Summary2', '2');
If I would know add this code for export button to example2 then the export would start with example2 in first sheet and add example in second sheet.
Therefore I want to create a custom button which starts export with example and then adds a new sheet with example2.And attach this custom button to both tables.
Sorry for double post but on other post I couldn't answer and then my account was banned
Yeah, the message went into the spam filter - I just released this one. Has this been resolved in your other thread?
This post can be deleted. The problem is solve din other thread. Thank you.