Show loading indicator on client-side actions

Show loading indicator on client-side actions

LukasLLukasL Posts: 26Questions: 10Answers: 0
edited April 2020 in Free community support

I'm working with a client-side Datatable that has 10 columns. When I show more than 1k entries, there is an understandable delay when paging, sorting, etc. I want to show 5k entries but the delay lasts around 2-3 seconds, which can throw off the user because it's not obvious that something is loading (the page just freezes).

Is there a way to run JS code before and after sorting, paging, or when another feature is executed? What I would do is run code to show a spinner to indicate something is happening. Although, because the page freezes, I may have trouble with that.

Or maybe there is a build in way to do this? The processing option does not work. Maybe it's only for server-side processes?


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