TableTools IE9 throwing error
TableTools IE9 throwing error

I use DataTables with the TableTools plugin (to export to Excel) to display search results on a company intranet app I have built. It is stable in Firefox, Chrome and IE 7/8 but I am now discovering that it has some strange issues with IE 9.
One issue that I am seeing is a javascript error which seems to occur in a dynamic script block generated by TableTools.
Here are the steps to create the error (unfortunately I cannot give you a link to the application as it is internal and contains proprietary information):
1) User enters a search string. My application returns some results and builds an HTML table around them.
2) Initialize DataTable on the HTML table with TableTools plugin. Results display no problem.
3) User enters a second search string. Get results from database and build new HTML table. Replace current HTML table.
4) Initialize new DataTable on the new HTML table with TableTools plugin.
5) Javascript error:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to set value of the property 'clearText': object is null or undefined."
This occurs in a dynamic script block that looks like this:
function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) {
instance[name] = function () {
return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + ""));
My company is preparing to roll out IE9 to all employees within the next month, so I need to get my app IE9 compatible! Thanks!
-Tom B.
One issue that I am seeing is a javascript error which seems to occur in a dynamic script block generated by TableTools.
Here are the steps to create the error (unfortunately I cannot give you a link to the application as it is internal and contains proprietary information):
1) User enters a search string. My application returns some results and builds an HTML table around them.
2) Initialize DataTable on the HTML table with TableTools plugin. Results display no problem.
3) User enters a second search string. Get results from database and build new HTML table. Replace current HTML table.
4) Initialize new DataTable on the new HTML table with TableTools plugin.
5) Javascript error:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to set value of the property 'clearText': object is null or undefined."
This occurs in a dynamic script block that looks like this:
function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) {
instance[name] = function () {
return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + ""));
My company is preparing to roll out IE9 to all employees within the next month, so I need to get my app IE9 compatible! Thanks!
-Tom B.
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