ThemeRoller + TableTools compatibility
ThemeRoller + TableTools compatibility

First of all, Allan has done an amazing job with the DataTables plugin.
I added the TableTools plug-in to my site and noticed a minor issue with my ThemeRoller theme. The header/footer panels that wrap the table are no longer using the jquery ui theme.
I noticed the following div tag is now missing from my page:
Is there any way to fix this problem besides removing the TableTools plug-in? Thanks.
I added the TableTools plug-in to my site and noticed a minor issue with my ThemeRoller theme. The header/footer panels that wrap the table are no longer using the jquery ui theme.
I noticed the following div tag is now missing from my page:
Is there any way to fix this problem besides removing the TableTools plug-in? Thanks.
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I'm guessing you have defined sDom to include TableTools in your layout. Which is the correct thing to do - but if you haven't defined it with the required jQuery UI theme classes, then you are going to have the issue that you are seeing.
sDom is actually set to
'<"fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper-clearfix"lfr>'+
'<"fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-bl ui-corner-br ui-helper-clearfix"ip>';
for theme roller support - so you will need to set the same, but with the 'T' for TableTools where ever you want it.
I'll have to buy you a beer this weekend! What are we drinking, Guinness?
Yup - DataTables has two defined for the sDom parameter, and it switches which one will be used based on the bJQueryUI variable. This is done so as to maintain backward compatibility will all the stylings which don't use ThemeRoller. As with all things - easy when you know how :-)
Cider for me this weekend - off to the west country ;-)
Here is an example of how I am using Tabletools:
Try this:
sDom: '<"H"lTfr>t<"F"ip>'
( doc reference: )
Does that do what you are looking for? You might need to jiggle the floating elements in CSS a little bit :-)