How to put a html element in a specific cell in datatable?
How to put a html element in a specific cell in datatable?

So i was hoping to do something like this
** table.cell(rowIdx, 2).data(< div > ${ element }</div >
); ---> here lies the problem i was hoping to overide the existing cell with a html element**
.rows({ selected: true })
.every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) {
var dataBE = table.row(rowIdx).data();
var inventoryonhand = dataBE[9];
var finoh = inventoryonhand == "" ? 0 : inventoryonhand;
var yetb = parseInt(tohiblk) - parseInt(finoh);
var yetbfinal = "";
if (Number.isNaN(yetb) || yetb == 0) {
yetbfinal = ""
} else {
yetbfinal = yetb;
table.cell(rowIdx, 11).data(yetbfinal);
table.cell(rowIdx, 10).data($('#tohiBE').val());
table.cell(rowIdx, 16).data($('#insBE').val());
table.cell(rowIdx, 2).data(`< div > ${ element }</div >`); ---> here lies the problem i was hoping to overide the existing cell with a html element
This discussion has been closed.
If you say html element, do you mean button, input, p etc?
I was hoping to know how to implement this code
since blkbuyername contains ["Person1", "Person2"]
blkbuyername.forEach(element => target.find('td:eq(12)').append(
table.cell(rowIdx, 2).data(<each here>);
So my expected result should be
from what i could come up
table.cell(rowIdx,2).data(a.forEach(element => (just dont know what to put here as i can't say find specific column)))
I think this might point you in the right direction -
Just append it for div etc.
Well finally got what I wanted
wherein blkbuyername is an array.
```var arrbname = [];
blkbuyername.forEach(element => arrbname.push(
));table.cell(rowIdx, 12).data(arrbname.toString().replace(",", ""));