How to filter table data to only show future events
How to filter table data to only show future events

Hi Everyone!
I have a table of data (big surprise, I know) - Date, Title, Event Details.
The data is stored in a JSON file, and I can display it fine in DataTables.
My ask - What's the best, easiest way to only show events happening in the future - i.e. where Date is great than [today]?
I've been looking at the filter and search parts of the manual, and I can't see a quick/easy way of achieving what I want.
A friend has provided a whole bunch of code that absolutely does the job, but I was wondering if there's a simple way using the power of DataTables.
Many thanks in advance,
This Range Search example will show you how. Using moment.js for the comparison might make it easier.
Thank you, Kevin - I can see this is going in the right direction, but I'm sufficient of a beginner in JavaScript as to be hoping for some sample code that I can learn from. I need a little more help, please, if you have the time.
Take care,
There are quite a few threads discussing how to do this like this thread.