DataTables Editor Synchronous uploads
DataTables Editor Synchronous uploads

I have a custom REST endpoint that expects a variety of fields as headers in the HTTP post with the content of a file in the body.
I am attempting to use the Editor field type of "upload", and am hoping it is possible to block the asynchronous nature of the input widget and force it to act like a normal file upload input DOM element. In other words, no immediate upload of a file. I am happy to handle all of the AJAX specific items directly, however the immediate attempt to upload the file on selection is something I can not seem to stop.
Is it possible to force a field type of "upload" to act as a normal file upload input type?
Thanks in advance.
Currently no - sorry. It would require a custom field type to be created which can do that - i.e. basically read the file as a value client-side and then use that value - probably base64 and submit it to the server that way.