In datatable, sProcessing text is not loading
In datatable, sProcessing text is not loading

var data = <?php echo json_encode($data); ?>; $(document).ready(function() { $('#datatable').dataTable({ "aaData": data, "bProcessing": true, "aoColumns": [ { "data": "submissions_dt" }, { "data": "pettycash_dt" }, { "data": "type" }, { "data": "description" }, { "data": "voucher_no" }, { "data": "amount", className: "right" } ], "oLanguage": { "sProcessing": "Fetching Data, Please wait..." }, order: [[2, 'desc']], "lengthMenu": [[50, 100, -1], [50, 100, "All"]], "columnDefs": [ { "orderable": false, "targets": [0,1,2,3,4,5] }, {"targets": [ 2 ], "visible": false } ] }); });
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