Filtering ...
Filtering ...

I am using fnRender to render a column from two data columns, one contains data I filter on (and I leave it visible, sortable and filterable) and the other contains HTML data with links for manipulating this data (and that column I hide, disable sorting and filtering). In fnRender I combine them into one column. The problem is that when then I want to filter on the first column it is filtering on rendered column content and not on the original data column. This is regression from at least 1.3.
(On 1.4.2.)
(On 1.4.2.)
This discussion has been closed.
This change was actually intentional (and as a result of your comments on fnRender ;-) ). The reason for the change in 1.4.2 was that filtering (I felt) should occur on the data that is visible to the end user (i.e. the rendered data), not some data that they cannot see and aren't aware of.
Having said that, it is still possible to filter on data which cannot be seen, just have a hidden column which is filterable. Can you just change which column is filterable and which one isn't?
The workaround is not really possible as I would like to do per-column filtering and sorting so I need to be able to sort and filter on columns which are visible (but which can have maybe something else displayed via fnRender).
When I update getting 1.4 together I did wonder what the usage of fnRender would actually be since I figured that the information would be read from the DOM most of the time. Of course with the server-side processing and increased Ajax usage that is falling by the way side.
The use case for filtering on the rendered data was such that the end user could filter on what was actually visible. This is a daft example but if you used fnRender to increase a number in a column by one, then when filtering you would expect to filter on what you can see. (ie. if there was an entry with "7" I wouldn't expect that to disappear when I typed "7" into the filter).
Either way, this switch would allow the developer to choose. I'll have a look at this for the next release.
My idea is something like I have described above/before. Table data which is sorted, filtered is read from initial table. Then if there is fnRender function defined for a column it is called when this column has to be displayed. If the bUseRendered is set to true the returning value of fnRender is stored back into table data. If it is false then fnRender is called every time this data has to be rendered (it can also be cached somewhere).
* Function: fnUpdate
* Purpose: Update a table cell or row
* Returns: int: 0 okay, 1 error
* Inputs: array string 'or' string:mData - data to update the cell/row with
* int:iRow - the row (from aoData) to update
* int:iColumn - the column to update
* bool:bRedraw - redraw the table or not - default true
this.fnUpdate = function( mData, iRow, iColumn, bRedraw )
var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
var iVisibleColumn;
var sDisplay;
if ( typeof bRedraw == 'undefined' )
bRedraw = true;
if ( typeof mData != 'object' )
sDisplay = mData;
oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[iColumn] = sDisplay;
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender !== null )
sDisplay = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender( {
"iDataRow": iRow,
"iDataColumn": iColumn,
"aData": oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData
} );
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].bUseRendered )
oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[iColumn] = sDisplay;
iVisibleColumn = _fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, iColumn );
if ( iVisibleColumn !== null )
oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[iVisibleColumn].innerHTML =
if ( mData.length != oSettings.aoColumns.length )
alert( 'Warning: An array passed to fnUpdate must have the same number of columns as '+
'the table in question - in this case '+oSettings.aoColumns.length );
return 1;
for ( var i=0 ; i