Send the table on PHP
Send the table on PHP

Hello there,
so i do this code :
so when i clic on Validation i need to send all the tab on my php server_processing, can u help to understand why i can get all table info please
i think problem is here :
$("#valider").click( function()
so how get all table info to send him on py server_precess.php ?
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i found this :
but i don"t all table info on my array
i do a new version :
but i can't get all datatble information thanks to u
If you want all the row data then use
instead ofcolumn()
. I updated your example to show this:
Hello thanks,
now the problem if i clik validate one time and i add some stuff or remove some line, when i click again on validate to get my information to php, the data is not update, but i can't get what i see,how update the tab before send him to php please
this is my new tab :
Looking at the browser's console you are getting this error:
thanks for u response,
i try this on my own serveur to have the php url : 'server_processing.php',
the code working, the problem is my jscript problem
on my code on the javascript line :
i don't have the same result with data console JS and the result replaceWIth,
the replaceWith works the first time, and after when i change my datatables, i can't get the good data on my php code.
ok so i fix this jquery probléme, u have to use this fonction
i update the exemple code here :
Ok so now need to know how to add forms to update the tab and send information to Symfony