Column Visibility Bug?
Column Visibility Bug?

I am using Buttons to hide/show columns. If you take a look at the site, you will see hiding/showing most of the columns work as expected. Some though do not show when clicking the button. "Rm Cap, Glb Cap, Lcl Cap, and some others are the problem columns. Does anyone know if this is a bug or something wrong with my code.
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I tried your example and it seems to work. I specifically toggled Rm Cap, Glb Cap, Lcl Cap along with some others and didn't experience the column hiding or showing as expected. It is slow but the column visibility did work.
Is there a particular browser you have problems with. Is there a particular sequence we can try that will show the issue?
I used Chrome on a Mac.
So you are saying Rm Cap, Glb Cap, Lcl Cap all showed when you clicking on their button? That is NOT happening for me. I click the button and the class toggles on the button, but the column is never displayed. I have tried on latest versions of Chrome and Safari on macOS. I've also tried making a browser window wide enough that all of the columns should display, but they don't.
The columns that are not showing at all are Rm Cap, Glb Cap, Lcl Cap, Fire Cap and Campus. I might have been staring at he code to notice anything obvious I may have missed. Hoping more eyes helps me fix this.
I clicked
Rm Cap
and the column showed:Have you tried a different computer?
Do you get errors in the browser's console log?
So weird. I've now set every column to be hidden so only the first four show in the browser. This leave plenty of space for any column. With only four showing I clicked Rm Cap and it does not appear. No errors or warnings in console.
I've tried this on every browser on my computer (cleared cache, private browsing mode, etc) as well as my phone and iPad. None of my devices are getting the results you are Kevin.
I'm at a loss.
Maybe @allan or @colin can recreate the problem on their devices.
All seems fine to me - Fedora and Chrome:
I just created a Loom video as well showing my results.
In your video it looks like you performed these steps:
I tried the same steps and it worked fine. Too lazy to take a video though
Very strange.
I've just reproduced it. I tried on a different computer with the latest Chrome (84.0.4147.89) and that's showing the problem. We'll take a look and report back,
Thanks Colin. Thought I was going crazy for a few...
Any chance you guys have had a chance to look in to this bug?
No sorry, I’ve not had a chance to do so yet. I’ll post back here once I have.