How to reload datatable after success event?
How to reload datatable after success event?

I have nested array json object (Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3). My problem is the dataTable does not reload after success event. In my case, a after modal success closed, the table should reloaded.
I have tried below but not help.
- $('#myTable').DataTable().ajax.reload();
- $('.Layer3Table').DataTable().ajax.reload();
- $('table.Layer3Table').DataTable().ajax.reload();
The table is no problem to me since all information appear as expected. Just unable to reload after success event.
"status": "Success",
"data": [{
"project_id": "1",
"project_name": "project name",
"l1_task": [{
"l1_id": "1",
"l1_name": "Layer 1",
"l2_task": [{
"l2_id": "1",
"l2_name": "Layer 2",
"l3_task": [{
"l3_id": "1",
"l3_name": "Layer 3.1"
"l3_id": "2",
"l3_name": "Layer 3.2"
success: function(response){
if (response.status == 'Success'){
error: function(e){}
$('#successModal').on('', function(e) {
$('#myTable').DataTable().ajax.reload(); // tried but not reload
$('.Layer3Table').DataTable().ajax.reload(); // tried but not reload
$('table.Layer3Table').DataTable().ajax.reload(); // tried but not reload
function loadtable(){
var project = '';
url : url,
crossDomain: true,
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
data: id,
success: function(response){
if (response.status == "Success"){
// Start Layer 1
$.each(, function(key, value1){
project +=
"<div class='col-lg-12'>"+
"<div class='card-body'>";
// Start Layer 2
$.each(value1.l2_task, function(key1, value2){
project +=
// Start Layer 3 (this is the table)
"<table id='myTable' class='compact stripe order-column dt-responsive Layer3Table'>"+
"<th class='text-center'>Action</th>"+
"<th class='text-center'>Activity Name</th>"+
"<th class='text-center'>Owner</th>"+
$.each(value2.l3_task, function(key, value3){
project +=
"<td class='text-center'>"+value3.action+"</td>"+
"<td class='text-center'>""</td>"+
"<td class='text-center'>"+value3.owner+"</td>"+
}); // end of each Layer 3 (this is the table)
project +=
}); // end of each Layer 2
project += "</div>"+"</div>";
}); // end of each Layer 1
processing: true,
destroy: true,
else {}
error: function(e){}
This discussion has been closed.
This thread should help, it's asking the same thing.