do not work scrollX if table inside other dive frame
do not work scrollX if table inside other dive frame

Link to test case:
Debugger code ( Tables which have scrolling enabled should have their width set to be 100% to allow dynamic resizing of the table. This should be done with a width="100%"
or style="width:100%"
attribute. Using width:100%
in your CSS is unfortunately not enough as it is very difficult to read a percentage value from stylesheets!
Error messages shown:
Description of problem: Actually I try to add ScrollX to my table which is inside div, my dive take scroll bar by browser, but I want scroll for a table (for using fixedColumn) not for my div
UPD: looked to debugger, maybe it is a reason, had possible ways to resolve it?
UPD: sorry I have style
".dataTables_wrapper { float: left;}"
which broke layout
Thanks for posting back. Good to hear you found the issue.