Problem with sorting by Date
Problem with sorting by Date

I tried using the moment.js plugin like it is described in the documentation but this doesnt work..
I need to sort dates of this Format: DD.MM.YYYY kk:ss
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I tried using the moment.js plugin like it is described in the documentation but this doesnt work..
I need to sort dates of this Format: DD.MM.YYYY kk:ss
While you’ve marked tangerine’s reply as rejected, it is actually correct. We can’t help to resolve the issue without being able to see it. That is why the template text for a new post asks for a test case and so do the forum rules.
This blog post shows the plug-in sorting dates correctly. Hence again, why we need an example showing it not working to be able to help. You can use , JSFiddle, CodePen or something else if you can’t host the page yourself.