what's wrong whith the FixedColumns? is a bug or any error in my code?

what's wrong whith the FixedColumns? is a bug or any error in my code?

cadremancadreman Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2011 in Bug reports
what's wrong whith the FixedColumns? is a bug or any error in my code?

I used datatables and FixedColumns in chinese (utf-8).

if i attach the language file (oLanguage:{sUrl:'/scripts/grid/language/cn.txt'}) then FixedColumns can't work.
if I remove the parameter of oLanguage, FixedColumns is ok.

my code:
var vGrid=$('#example').dataTable({
aaData:myJson ,//设置json数据源
aoColumns: vCols,//设置列属性
sDom:'lft', //显示表格头或尾的相关信息
bLengthChange:false, //显示表格自带的每页显示几项的选项
//sPaginationType: "full_numbers",//设置显示翻页按钮方案
bJQueryUI:true, //必须设置此项才会显示成smooth风格,当然也需要提前加载此样式表
bInfo:false, //是否显示 Showing 1 to 010 of 10 entries
bPaginate:false, //是否显示翻页按钮
//oLanguage:{sUrl:'/scripts/grid/language/cn.txt'}, //加载语言表 注意加载后,在使用FixedColumns时不会效果
} );
new FixedColumns(vGrid,{iLeftColumns:1,iRightColumns:1});
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