Sybase database support
Sybase database support

Hi Allen,
Back in 2017 a post from Lolo asked this very question, and I believe he supplied some code for you, and there was a possibility that you would release support for the Sybase product.
I am definitely interested in Sybase support as we have a Government support for this type of database, so if at all possible is the code available?
This discussion has been closed.
I’m afraid we haven’t progressed with support for Sybase. There simply hasn’t been the interest I’m afraid, and none of us have experience with Sybase.
However, my understanding is that the MSSQL driver for PHP works with Sybase. Have you tried using that (I’m assuming here that you are wanting to use our Editor libraries, and also that it is PHP you are using?).
Hi Allan,
Yes we are wanting to use the editor and with PHP. I take it that the post from Lolo in 2017 where he supplied code for the inserted worked for him, was wondering whether you had the code he supplied just so I don't have to reinvent the wheel so to speak.
Yes MSSQL is similar only some minor differences with transact SQL, so will give a go at writing own code if you don't have the code supplied.
Sybase was a brilliant product before SAP took it over, still waiting on php support for version 7.4 of php.
You are referring to this thread? I've just had a look through my in box, I'm am afraid I don't appear to have a message from Lolo with the modifications, beyond what is posted in that thread.