page unresponsive error in google chrome while downloading
page unresponsive error in google chrome while downloading

Hi we are facing page unresponsive error in google chrome while downloading in excel or any other mode where there are 40K+ rows and 30+ columns in the table. let me know how to handle this.
we are facing this in other browsers also
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Hi thanks for replay,
i have created a sample example in jsfiddle and shared the like below
It looks like a really large part of it is the HTML entity decoding. That (and other tidying operations) can be disabled by using:
It won't work miracles, you are asking quite a lot from a client-side XSLX creator, but it will help.
Hi i have worked with the code shared but it didn't work. still same issue
i have updated the sample code in below link
Takes 26 seconds to create the Excel file for Chrome on my laptop now - yup that's a long time. But it is also a lot of data. Profiling it shows that nearly all of the time is taken up creating the XML nodes:
The first big block is getting the data from the DataTable. The bit in the middle is creating the XML nodes. The final part is converting the XML into a string.
The only way I can see of speeding this up is to create everything as a string up front, but that significantly reduces customisablity. It would also be a fairly major under taking since we'd need to rewrite the export.
Realistically, I think the best way to create such a large file is to use a server-side script to create and then download the XSLX file.
Hi Thanks,
is there any option to download it from server side but the data rendered from client side with json data
No, there's no option for that I'm afraid. The next project we'll be working on will give support to generate the exported files on the server, so that would help in this scenario, but that'll be a few months out still,