trying to load the Ajax with COlumn names as Alaises but there are some issues
trying to load the Ajax with COlumn names as Alaises but there are some issues

Hi, I have the following Coldfusion Code happening but it gives me error where i try to load, here is the fiddle
my Js Code is simple like this:
$('#data').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "bin/data.cfm"
} );
but when i output the json, i am always getting this error
key [count(errorid) as field1] not found in query, columns are [STATUS,FIELD1,ERRORID,TEMPLATE,LINE,ERROR_MESSAGE,ERROR_TYPE,FIELD2]
I am literally lost how to make it work, do i need declare something on the server-side, client side, my client JS just includes the source to ajax call, no use of cols,
It looks like that error is coming from the ColdFusion script? I’m afraid I know next to nothing about CF, so you’d need to ask in ColdFusion specific forum, or perhaps on StackOverflow if you need help with your CF stuff.
Solved the Issue, it was issue with the serializeJSON, so i just managed to fx that and got the data properly, i will upload the coldfusion based datatables how they work properly, i have seen there is no set page for datatables for coldfusion