Datatables bug with Jquery 3.5.1
Datatables bug with Jquery 3.5.1

So with the upgrade to jquery 3.5, jquery stopped supporting self closing tags (
Within Datatables source (using version 1.10.21), in the "__details_add" function we find the line "var created = $('<tr><td/></tr>').addClass( k );"
I am seeing "Uncaught TyperError: Cannot set property 'colSpan' of undefined". This is because when "$('<tr><td/></tr>')" is ran, the <td> element never actually gets created since its a self closing tag. Manually I have changed it to "$('<tr><td></td></tr>')" and then things work as expected.
This is triggered by us calling fnOpen and passing a row (<tr> element), a string of html, and a string that a classname.
Thank you! That one slipped by me. I've committed the fix and it will be in the nightly shortly, and DataTables 1.10.22 when we ship that.