Individual column search
Individual column search
I have a Datatable with "Statesave: true" and individual column search input fields.
The statesave works very well, even if I leave my page and come back to it. If I use the individual search input fields, the search filter will also kept in the tables state, but it will not be shown in the individual search input fields after leaving and returning to the table.
This means, I see a filtered table without knowing which filter criteria are applied. Is there a parameter that can be read out and written in the search input fields?
I'm one step forward, I can read the current search parameters out of this:mytable.context[0].oSavedState.columns[index]
But I'm still not able to get these values into the search input fields...
Problem is solved, i have added the following code after the initialization of the Datatable:
var i = 1;
$('#mytablename tfoot th input').each( function() {
if (typeof(mytabledata.context) != 'undefined'){
$(this).context.value = mytabledata.context[0].oSavedState.columns[i];