CDN Script download failing SHA check
CDN Script download failing SHA check

We're referencing with sha hash of sha384-UN22PRBHhLN8WFNZMlQ/RPNNdCMYQeikR/j9xut6C9eAw9E2yXl/b1qB4tmeMcti. Could anyone elaborate why?
This discussion has been closed.
We updated the CDN last year that broke the SHA hash - see thread here. Please can you take a look at that and see if that answers your question,
Hi Colin, this happened overnight, and I'm not seeing an update of the CDN around that time.
It might have been caused by this. There haven't been any changes to the CDN files recently (and there shouldn't be again after the changes Colin mentioned about a year ago).
Is the hash back to normal for you?
No, we looked into it, and it seems like the diff changed between the two versions due too a spacing change in the version list

We've been looking into this and our current CDN server hasn't been modified in a way that would cause that recently.
What we believe has happened here, is that you've had a long term cached version of the file (via CloudFlare or your browser, or your own proxy if you are using one - we set a really long expiry on the CDN files) and that has only just expired. That has caused it to refresh, and get the slightly updated file from our deploy as noted in the thread column linked to.