Datatables Still Reloads and Draws After Reorder Although Set to False
Datatables Still Reloads and Draws After Reorder Although Set to False

I have set datatables to update: "false"
but it stills performs an update and redraw. What am I doing wrong?
var oQueueTable = $('#queue_table').DataTable( {
paging: false,
info: false,
searching: false,
rowReorder: {
dataSrc: "sortID",
update: "false"
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: root + "resources/php/data_handler.php",
// use createdrow to add record id field to the tr id
"createdRow": function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
"drawCallback": function( settings ) {
Later, I set the reorder function code:
oQueueTable.on( 'row-reorder', function ( e, details, edit ) {
var tmp_arr = [];
var blnUpdate = true;
for ( var i=0, ien=details.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
var rowData = oQueueTable.row(details[i].node ).data();
var rowID = parseInt(;
var sortID = parseInt(details[i].newData);
if (rowID > 0 && sortID > 0){
if (tmp_arr[i] === undefined) {
tmp_arr[i] = {rowID: rowID};
} else {
tmp_arr[i].rowID = rowID;
if (tmp_arr[i] === undefined) {
tmp_arr[i] = {sortID: sortID};
} else {
tmp_arr[i].sortID = sortID;
} else {
blnUpdate = false;
if (blnUpdate) {
type: "POST",
url: root + "resources/php/update_queuelist_sort.php",
// The key needs to match your method's input parameter (case-sensitive).
data: JSON.stringify({data:tmp_arr}),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(data){
failure: function(errMsg) {
console.log("FBCRADIOCAST.JS row-reorder function: " + errMsg);
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Looks like the
should be a boolean not a string. Change line 7 like thisupdate: false
Thanks. That goes to show one's need to take a break from staring too long at code as that was too obvious.