Create Email Button and send mail to selected row onclick
Create Email Button and send mail to selected row onclick

Hi everybody,
Sorry for my bad english.
I would like to add a functionality to my table with editor.
**Is there any possibility to add a custom email button that sends email to the selected row onclick ?
I guess I can use phpmailer, but I don't know how to get the email selected on the table and then send it to my phpmailer template.
Can somebody give me some tricks to achieve that ?
Thank you for the help !
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You would create a Button that would send the necessary information to your script via an ajax command. That's not an Editor specific feature.
This example shows how to create a custom button. You would send back details of the selected rows, using the Select extension.
Hope that helps,
Thank you,
I found a solution with smtp.js . Here is my code if someone need it :
text: 'Send an Email',
action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
var rows = dt.rows( {selected: true} ).indexes();
var data = dt.cells( rows, 17 ).data();
var template = "
Test template
SecureToken : "//",
To : data.join(''),
From : "{{from}}",
Subject : "{{subject}}",
Body : template,
message => alert('Email sent to ' + data.join('') )
}}, '''
Thank you for you help.