nodejs Validate.dbValues is not blocking bad values (To staff: Root cause identified)
nodejs Validate.dbValues is not blocking bad values (To staff: Root cause identified)

As title suggests, Validate.dbValues
does not work, and it always passes not matter what I input (using Fiddler). For example, with this code, the validation will always passes and DB error (FK constraint failed) will be returned
new Field('project_user.userId')
.options(new Options().table('user').value('id').label(['name']))
.validator(Validate.dbValues(null, 'id', 'user')),
The root case is easy to identify. In
function, the last few lines reads:
let res = await db( table )
.select( column )
.where( { [column]: val } );
return ! res ?
opts.message :
The problem is, in knex, select
always returns an array, so even if the validation suppose to fail (a non-existent val), it will still pass because res
is then [] and is truthy , and as a result, the ternary returns true and erroneously passes validation.
Thanks! Committed in here and will be available in the Editor package we should be releasing tomorrow.