ajax dt - responsive not working on first page load
ajax dt - responsive not working on first page load

im working with ajax and dt, everything works just fine and as expected. Except for one thing. The tables wont resize automaticly to the width of the scree but only on the first page load. After i filter the table or manualy readjust the browser window the table gets resized acordningly. I call the dt within "$(document).ready(function()".
Im not sure where an what to change. Im glad for any help.
Here is my dt code:
The ajax response is:
"draw" => intval($draw), -> eg. "1"
"iTotalRecords" => $totalRecords, -> eg. "1"
"iTotalDisplayRecords" => $totalRecordwithFilter, -> eg. "1"
"aaData" => $data -> Array with the column content"
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
solved the problem