Apply a column filter when using a render
Apply a column filter when using a render

I'm using V1.10.19
I have set up a page
The raw data in the table is a Y or an N in the last 5 columns, but I'm using a column render to change the output to an image
// Use ClumnDefs to force the formatting of each column
targets: 4,
render: function (data, type, row)
if (data == "Y")
return '<img src="/Roster/icons/checkmark.gif" alt="checkmark" />';
return '<img src="/Roster/icons/crossmark.gif" alt="crossmark" />';
This is repeated for all the columns and this works perfectly
The filter is applied using this code
initComplete: function () {
this.api().columns([0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).every( function () {
var column = this;
var ColumnIndex = this.index('visible');
var select = $('<select style="font-size:inherit;"><option value="">All</option></select>')
.appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
} ); function ( d, j ) {
var val = $('<div/>').html(d).text();
select.append( '<option value="' + val + '">' + val + '</option>' );
} );
var Cell;
var jQueryCell;
var Input;
Cell = $("#example tfoot tr td").eq(ColumnIndex);
jQueryCell = $(Cell);
Input = jQueryCell.find('select');
return this.text == Filters[ColumnIndex];
}).prop('selected', true);
} );
which correctly then shows the Y and N in the drop down, but when I select either a Y or N, no rows are returned
Is this something that should work and if so have I missed something somewhere as I thought that the render only changed what was shown on the screen and didn't affect the source data
You will want to use Orthogonal data for this. Basically you will display the images for the
type. For example:I think its syntactically correct
Almost, you forgot the trailing else
Thanks for the (almost) solution