Sort Arrow Showing on Wrong Column When Page First Drawn

Sort Arrow Showing on Wrong Column When Page First Drawn

anthony89anthony89 Posts: 26Questions: 8Answers: 0

When page first loads, the sort arrow displays on first column, which it should not do:

It should be on the artist column, which does occur when you click on that column to sort it:

So what do I need to do to make sure the sort arrows do not display on the row index column but on the artist column. Here's the code controlling the table:

var oCategoryTracksTable = $('#category_tracks_table').DataTable( {
    processing: true,
    select: {
        "info": false
    "language": {
        "emptyTable": "No tracks in selected category"
    ajax: {
        "url": root + "resources/php/data_handler_category_tracks.php",
        "type": 'POST',
        "data": function(d){
            d.category = GetCategory();
    "createdRow": function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
        $(row).attr('id', data.categorylistID);
    columns: [
        { data: null, orderable: false, searchable: false, width: '5%' }, // Row 0
        { data: 'songID', visible: false, searchable: false }, // Row 1
        { data: 'artist', title: 'Artist', orderable: true }, // Row 2
        { data: 'title', title: 'Title', orderable: true }, // Row 3
        { data: 'tracktime', title: 'Duration', orderable: false, searchable: false, width: '5%' }, // Row 4
        { data: 'totaltime', visible: false, searchable: false } // Row 5
    "infoCallback": function( settings, start, end, max, total, pre ) {
        var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
        var totaltime = api.column( 5, { page: 'current'}).data()[0];
        if (end > 0) {
            return start + "–" + end + " of " + total + " tracks (" + totaltime + ")";
        } else {
            return "0d, 00:00:00";

    .on( 'select', function ( e, dt, type, indexes ) {
        $('#RemoveMenuButtonItems .canDisable a').removeClass('disabled');
    .on( 'deselect', function ( e, dt, type, indexes ) {
        $('#RemoveMenuButtonItems .canDisable a').addClass('disabled');
    .on( 'order.dt search.dt', function () {
        oCategoryTracksTable.column(0, {search:'applied', order:'applied'}).nodes().each( function (cell, i) {
            cell.innerHTML = i + 1;

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