Condition based data export from datatable to excel
Condition based data export from datatable to excel

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please help
Please explain your requirements in sufficient detail.
based on deliquent value 'D', i want to export excel with current-delinquent values with only 'D'
That is done with the
option ofbuttons.exportData()
. The easiest method would be to provide a function for therows
selector (seerow-selector
) which will only select rows with aD
I need below logic inside export options then only i can able to export excel of columns having values with D but after placed in export options its showing warning..
var indexes = table.rows().eq(0).filter(function (rowIdx) {
return table.cell(rowIdx, 7).data() === 'D' ? D : C;
please help me!!!!
Allan means something more like this:
See this example:
this is working fine
thanks kevin