Is it possible to make a golf scorecard style table?
Is it possible to make a golf scorecard style table?

I am trying to configure a table to be a pivot style that looks more or less like the following:
Code here:
<table id="scorecard_table" class="table table-striped table-bordered compact">
<th scope="col" rowspan='2'>Description</th>
<th scope="col" colspan='2'>Dates</th>
<th scope="col">Date 1</th>
<th scope="col">Date 2</th>
<th scope="row">Test Description</th>
var scorecard_table = $('#scorecard_table').DataTable(
dom: "Bfrtip",
select: true,
url:'/eos_scorecard/fetch/' + '5',
pageLength: 50,
responsive: {
details: {
type: 'column',
target: 'tr',
deferRender: true,
autoWidth: false,
columns: [
data: 'description',
render: function (data, type, row) {
return data;
defaultContent: '1'
defaultContent: '2'
The issue is, the date 1 and date 2 columns need to come from a separate datasource. We currently have it set up as a user can set up an event (assign a description) and then we have another model that stores scores/dates related to those events.
The overall goal is to display 1 event per row, and all date/score combinations on the same row.
Any time I try to add the second table into the mix I get errors thrown at me in the console, mostly which are due to mismatching column sizes, but even if I were to get rid of those I am still not sure how to get those events to display horizontally instead of vertically like a traditional table.
You can only specify a single data source for DataTables, so you would need to collate that data before initialising the table - either