Bootstrap tabs and simultaneous ajax
Bootstrap tabs and simultaneous ajax

Hello guys, following this example it makes two ajax calls at the same time, one for every tab, the problem is that mysql give me this error
two simultaneus mysql calls not allowed. Any simple idea front-end side to solve this?
I just need to call one time the ajax for both the tabs (same data)
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If you want to initialize the second after the first is complete you can initialize that Datatable inside the
of the first.Kevin
Do you mean something like "inception"? ahah
I need to initialize the second with the same config of the first. If I'll try to use initComplete it will be hard to read in the futures to make new features/changes. Am I right? Another way is destroy and reinitialize it when i click on a specific tab. But is there something better? I'm a noob of javascript/jquery. If I can't make with just one ajax for both the tabs I just need a little delay from the first and the second ajax
what about a for with delay?
solved with:
async: false
any collateral effect?
the first
"processing": true,
"language": {
processing: '<i class="fa fa-spin fa-sync" style="color:black"></i><span class="sr-only">Loading...</span> '}
I can't see anymore the spinner loading...
async: false
is not recommended because it will block the web page from further processing while the ajax request is being processed.I use a lot of Ajax requests to a backend that uses MySql. They can be simultaneous and I don't get the error that you are. I would look at the way you are handling the requests. Are you creating a new server connection for each request or reusing the same one. Could be that the first connection is closed too soon causing the error.
I would exhaust all possibilities to fix the server side before making ajax adjustments on the client side.
@kthorngren thank you so much! I was reusing the same connection...