postDelete function cannot get working
postDelete function cannot get working

I have set-up parent child datatables as per your blog post, for cash accounts. I have successfully set-up
->on( 'postCreate'
and ->on( 'postEdit'
functions which successfully update the parent table balance value (being summation of child amount values) on a Create and/or Edit of a child row.
Extract of my server file
->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) {
$amount = $row['dm_cash_accountlines']['amount'];
$stmt = ('SELECT SUM(
IF (type="CREDIT",amount,-amount)
) AS amount_sum
FROM dm_cash_accountlines
WHERE user_id = :userid
AND cash_accounts_id = :id
LIMIT 1');
$result = $editor->db()->raw()
->bind( ':amount', $row['dm_cash_accountlines']['amount'] )
->bind( ':id', $row['dm_cash_accountlines']['cash_accounts_id'] )
->bind( ':userid', $_POST['userid'] )
$amtsum = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
->bind( ':amount', $amtsum['amount_sum'] )
->bind( ':id', $row['dm_cash_accountlines']['cash_accounts_id'] )
->exec( 'UPDATE dm_cash_accounts
SET balance = :amount
WHERE id = :id' );
The postEdit uses the same code as above except for the first line of code
->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) {
I had assumed that the above code would work when applied to the
->on( 'postDelete', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) {
but deleting a child row has no effect on the balance shown in the parent table, whereas adding a New or Editing an existing child row and changing the amount will display sum(amount) in the parent table balance.
I have attached a screen shot.
I can provide access to my system if required to investigate the problem.
The problem is on the following webpage
server file
client file
accessible from Button Table Snippet at bottom of webpage
Best regards
Cannot work like this with delete: no parameter $row because that is the data read back from the database which obviously doesn't exist after you deleted the database record. And it is not called like that ...
might do what you want, but you need to change away from using$row
as @rf1234 indicates, since that doesn't exist there. That should hopefully be the only change needed in your code.Allan
Hi Alan and rf1234
Thanks for the advice, I will investigate using