Add row at the end of table
Add row at the end of table

I create a table with a csv file read by my code and add all argument of file go in my table (like you see in the code) (for information my js and html is in the same file)
but when it try to add row with this for exemple (the function addLine) i have a error
DataTables warning: table id=data-planning - Requested unknown parameter 'ligne' for row 23, column 0. For more information about this error, please see
But when i un my fonction without the table create by my php , the function run corectly
So my question is why i have error and how to slove it
if you need more inforamation tell me
function addLine(){
var nbLigne = 1;
while (document.getElementById(nbLigne) !== null) {
var t = $('#data-planning').DataTable();
var counter = 1;
t.row.add( [
counter +'.1',
counter +'.2',
counter +'.3',
counter +'.4',
counter +'.5',
counter +'.6',
counter +'.7',
// to 23 , i cut the code here just for put the code here
] ).draw( false );
// Automatically add a first row of data
//les variables pour les id
//nombre de ligne
$nbligne = 1;
//heure de debut du cariste
//heure de fin du cariste
//nom du cariste
//nombre de palette du Cariste
//heure de debut du chargeur
//heure de fin du chargeur
//nom du chargeur
//nombre de palette du chargeur
//id de nbligne
$nb_ligne = "nbLigne";
//la ligne expo mag est toujours egal a EXPE MAG
$expMag = "EXPE MAG";
$uploaddir = '/home/grammont/Documents/VersionFinalCsv/'; // repertoir ou sera stocke finalement le fichier
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['csv_file']['name']);
$data = array();
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { // upload ok
if (!empty($uploadfile)) {
$file_data = fopen($uploadfile, 'r');
fgetcsv($file_data, 0, ";");
while ($row = fgetcsv($file_data, 0, ";")) {
//ajoue de +1 a la fin de la chaine de caractere
$destock_deb = $time_Cariste_h_Deb.$nbligne;
$destock_fin = $time_Cariste_h_Fin.$nbligne;
$destock_nom_Cariste = $nom_Cariste.$nbligne;
$destock_nb_pal = $nb_pal_Cariste.$nbligne;
$charg_deb = $time_Chargeur_h_Deb.$nbligne;
$charg_fin = $time_Chargeur_h_Fin.$nbligne;
$charg_nomChargeur = $nom_Chargeur.$nbligne;
$charg_nb_pal = $nb_pal_Chargeur.$nbligne;
$nb_id_ligne = $nb_ligne.$nbligne;
//evite les ligne vide
if ($row[2] !== "") {
array_push($data, array(
'ligne' => "<span id='$nbligne'>$nbligne</span>",
'expo_Mag' => $expMag,
'report' => "<input type='text' id='$nb_id_ligne' style='width: 40px; height: 10px'/>" ,
'dpt' => utf8_encode($row[3]),
'hrev' => utf8_encode($row[5]),
'transporteur' => utf8_encode($row[7]),
'edi' => utf8_encode($row[8]),
'destinataires' => utf8_encode($row[11]),
'heure_Liv' => utf8_encode($row[13]),
'nb_Supp' => "<input type='number' id='$destock_nb_pal' style='width: 80px; height: 10px' value='$row[14]' onchange='diffTimeCarist()'/>",
'quai' => "<input type='text'/>",
'cariste' => "<input type='text' id='$destock_nom_Cariste'/>",
'destock_HD' => "<input type='time' id='$destock_deb' onchange='diffTimeCarist()'/>",
'destock_HF' => "<input type='time' id='$destock_fin' onchange='diffTimeCarist()'/>",
'h_Arriv' => "<input type='time'/>",
'porte' => "<input type='text'/>",
'chargeur' => "<input type='text' id='$charg_nomChargeur'/>",
'charg_H_Deb' => "<input type='time' id='$charg_deb' onchange='diffTimeCharg()'/>",
'charg_H_Fin' => "<input type='time' id='$charg_fin' onchange='diffTimeCharg()'/>",
'nb_Supp_Charg' => "<input type='number' id='$charg_nb_pal' style='width: 100px' onchange='diffTimeCharg()'/>",
'nb_Raq' => "<input type='number' style='width: 100px'/>",
'nb_pal_leg' => "<input type='number' style='width: 100px'/>",
'site' => "<input type='text'/>",
$nbligne = $nbligne + 1;
} else { // pb upload
$data[] = array(
'ligne' => "pb upload",
'expo_Mag' => "pb upload",
'report' => "pb upload",
'dpt' => "pb upload",
'hrev' => "pb upload",
'transporteur' => "pb upload",
'edi' => "pb upload",
'destinataires' => "pb upload",
'heure_Liv' => "pb upload",
'nb_Supp' => "pb upload",
'quai' => "pb upload",
'cariste' => "pb upload",
'destock_HD' => "pb upload",
'destock_HF' => "pb upload",
'h_Arriv' => "pb upload",
'porte' => "pb upload",
'chargeur' => "pb upload",
'charg_H_Deb' => "pb upload",
'charg_H_Fin' => "pb upload",
'nb_Supp_Charg' => "pb upload",
'nb_Raq' => "pb upload",
'nb_pal_leg' => "pb upload",
'site' => "pb upload"
// envoyer le contenu au format json
header('Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($data);
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
Did you follow the troubleshooting steps at the link provided in the error?
You are adding an array of columns but you defined
so Datatables is expecting an object structured like your original data.The row will be displayed in the table based on the current order of the table. It won't necessarily be placed at the end. Maybe you can put it in the footer instead.
So i should deifne every colums like this for exemple ?
No. You still need to use
for object structured data. You need to use an object, not array, withrows.add()
. For example:Kevin
Thank you Kevin.