CakePHP 3.9 Forbidden 403 error
CakePHP 3.9 Forbidden 403 error

So I'm using the CakePHP 3.9 and using DataTables for the list of users. Whenever I try it it gives me the
403 Forbidden Error
and datatables error
I also allowed the url by using CakePHP Auth.
Here is the script Im using.
let datatable = $("#main-table").DataTable({
'processing': true,
"serverSide": true,
"paginate": true,
"ajax": {
'url': '/datatables',
'type': 'POST',
"columns": [
{'data': 'ID'},
{'data': 'code'},
{'data': 'username'},
{'data': 'password'},
{'data': 'type'},
{'data': 'created'},
{'data': 'modified'},
This discussion has been closed.
Does CakePHP require a CSRF token perhaps? You'd probably need to ask in a CakePHP forum beyond that though, as I'm afraid I've not used it much.