How to order multiple columns not alphabetical way
How to order multiple columns not alphabetical way

Hi, I'm trying to accomplish a requirement but I don't know how to do it.
This is my test case
Now I'm going to explain what I want to do.
First and second column must be under rowsgroup plugins, like in the test case.
The order in first column must be Student first but the order of the rest doesn't matter.
About the second column, there are two values Valid and Archived and Valid must be first inside a rowgroup.
By last, the column Date must be order showing the newest one first inside a second column rowgroup.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks and great work with Datatables.
isn't supported in the table - see here:I suspect that'll affect how you'll want to implement this, so it would be worth rethinking the design with that in mind,
You are using a third party plugin called rowsgroup. Its probably this plugin on githib. You will need to get support from the developer. Looks like the plugin hasn't been maintain in 5 years. Maybe a better option is to use the Datatables RowGroup extension.
Yes, you're right, I'm going to try it with RowGroup extension, but, is there a way to get the same behavior with RowGroup extension about colspan?
I realized another problem, RowGroup is not compatible with FixedColumn. So, I have to rethink the whole thing.