after create the datatable do not display created row while refresh browser

after create the datatable do not display created row while refresh browser

LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

Hi all
Hope you are fine
I get a strange problem:

// $IsAdmin, $IsSA are boolean
// $UsrID is long int

Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
        Field::inst( 'prestations.ID'),
        Field::inst( 'prestations.Libelle')
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
                Field::inst( 'prestations.Couleur' ),
        Field::inst( 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur')
            ->options( extOptions::inst()
                            return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';
                ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                                if( ! $IsSA ) {
                                    $q->where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                                    if( $IsAdmin) {
                                        $q->or_where('Administrateur', 0, '=');
            ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
                    Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
                ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur' )
                    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                        if( ! $IsSA ) {
                            $q->where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
                            $q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                            if ($IsAdmin) {
->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )

->process( $_POST )

on create a row, the table does not display created record while I ask to refresh page...

after create (duplicated row)

After refresh

you can have a look at using user / pass as : NUJBD6DE / NUJBD6DE

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  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    address changed to

  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin


    Thanks for the test case - I've added a few test rows you might want to delete!

    It is returning JSON that is being added to the DataTable, but it is always returning this row when adding a new one:

        "data": [{
            "DT_RowId": "row_9",
            "prestations": {
                "ID": "9",
                "Libelle": "Relax P1",
                "Couleur": "#1a22ed",
                "ID_Utilisateur": "4"
            "utilisateurs": {
                "Nom": "Relaxation"

    Could you add ->debug(true) immediately before the ->process() call please in your PHP?

    Also what is $TblName, and is it's primary key an auto incrementing integer?


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    Hi @allan


    debug added in php, table structure below

    table distance (that has more fields) use exactly same join and where conditions and goes normally.

    I include distance sample...

    php used for distance :

    Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
            Field::inst( 'distances.ID'),
            Field::inst( 'distances.Libelle')
                ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                    ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
            Field::inst( 'distances.Couleur' ),
            Field::inst( 'distances.Mini' ),
            Field::inst( 'distances.Maxi' ),
            Field::inst( 'distances.ID_Utilisateur')
                ->options( extOptions::inst()
                            return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';})
                    ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                        if( ! $IsSA ) {
                            $q->where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
                            $q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                            if ($IsAdmin) $q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID',null,'=');}
                ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
            Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
        ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'distances.ID_Utilisateur' )
        ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
            if( ! ($IsSA || $IsAdmin)) {$q->where('distances.ID_Utilisateur', $UsrID, '=');}
        ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
        ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
        ->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
        ->process( $_POST )

    table structure :

    -- table distances
    ID_Utilisateur bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Libelle varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    Mini int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    Maxi int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    Couleur varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
    KEY UsrDistance (ID_Utilisateur)

    -- table prestations
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prestations (
    ID_Utilisateur bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Libelle varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    Couleur varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
    KEY prestations_Utilisateur (ID_Utilisateur),
    KEY prestations_Couleur (Couleur)

    -- table utilisateurs
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS utilisateurs (
    ID_Civilites int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Nom varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
    Prenom varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
    Adresse varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
    Adresse_Suite varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
    Ville varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    CodePostal varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
    ID_Departement int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    ID_Commune int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Telephone varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
    Email varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    ID_Statut int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Login char(20) NOT NULL,
    Password char(64) DEFAULT NULL,
    Actif tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    Administrateur tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ID_Session varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    IP_Session varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    Visible tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    DateCreation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    Siret varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
    Sigle varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    LogoID bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    TamponID bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
    Prefix varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
    NumFac int(3) DEFAULT NULL,
    Lon float DEFAULT NULL,
    Lat float DEFAULT NULL,
    ExoTVA tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
    KEY ID_Ville (ID_Commune),
    KEY ID_Civilites (ID_Civilites),
    KEY ID_Departement (ID_Departement),
    KEY ID_Statut (ID_Statut) USING BTREE,
    KEY Logo (LogoID),
    KEY Tampon (TamponID)


    -- Contraintes pour la table prestations

    ALTER TABLE prestations
    ADD CONSTRAINT prestations_Utilisateur FOREIGN KEY (ID_Utilisateur) REFERENCES utilisateurs (ID);


    -- Contraintes pour la table distances

    ALTER TABLE distances
    ADD CONSTRAINT UsrDistance FOREIGN KEY (ID_Utilisateur) REFERENCES utilisateurs (ID);

  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    hi @allan

    do you find why ?

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    edited November 2020

    Could you add ->debug(true) immediately before the ->process() call please in your PHP?
    Also what is $TblName, and is it's primary key an auto incrementing integer?

    I don't see ->debug(true) in your PHP code, and you have not explained $TblName.

  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4


    $TblName is a switch value... in fact the table name.
    In first sample, this is prestations, in second distances
    I do add ->debug(true) in php code :

    switch ($TblName) {
        case 'distances': {
        Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
                Field::inst( 'distances.ID'),
                Field::inst( 'distances.Libelle')
                    ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                        ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
                Field::inst( 'distances.Couleur' ),
                Field::inst( 'distances.Mini' ),
                Field::inst( 'distances.Maxi' ),
                Field::inst( 'distances.ID_Utilisateur')
                    ->options( extOptions::inst()
                                return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';
                        ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                            if( ! $IsSA ) {
                                if( ! $IsAdmin) {
                                    $q->where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                                } else {
                                    $q->where('Administrateur', 0, '=');
                                    $q->or_where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                    ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
                Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
            ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'distances.ID_Utilisateur' )
            ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                if( ! ($IsSA || $IsAdmin)) {$q->where('distances.ID_Utilisateur', $UsrID, '=');}
            ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->process( $_POST )
    case 'prestations': {
        Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
                Field::inst( 'prestations.ID'),
                Field::inst( 'prestations.Libelle')
                    ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                        ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
                Field::inst( 'prestations.Couleur' ),
                Field::inst( 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur')
                    ->options( extOptions::inst()
                                return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';
                        ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                            if( ! $IsSA ) {
                                $q->where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                                if( $IsAdmin) {
                                    $q->or_where('Administrateur', 0, '=');
                    ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
                Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
            ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur' )
                ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                    if( ! $IsSA ) {
                        $q->where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
                        $q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                        if ($IsAdmin) {
            ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
            ->process( $_POST )
  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin


    Thanks - I've just been digging into this and it is due to the OR condition in the SQL query:

    WHERE `utilisateurs`.`Administrateur` = :where_0 OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` = :where_1 OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` IS NULL AND `prestations`.`id` = :where_3 "

    The query isn't strict enough (or perhaps "grouped enough" is the right term?).

    I don't actually see any or_where lines in the code given above, so I assume that it isn't the complete code? You need to add a grouping around your OR conditions. See this example.


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4
    edited November 2020

    Hi @allan

    This is the complete code...
    After refresh the where condition do not change, but row is correctly displayed...

    There is not where clause about
    I don't see it in this code not ?

    WHERE `utilisateurs`.`Administrateur` = :where_0 
        OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` = :where_1 
        OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` IS NULL 
    // I don't find these condition in my code...
    AND `prestations`.`id` = :where_3 "

    In fact I want to
    hide rows if owner is administrateur (utilisateur.administrateur)

    `utilisateurs`.`Administrateur` = :where_0 

    show row for current user (if he is admin too)

    OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` = :where_1 

    and if current user is admin show row with no owner

    // if ($IsAdmin) {$q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID',null,'=');}
    OR `utilisateurs`.`ID` IS NULL 

    do I miss something ?

  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    Hi @allan

    Sorry but your sample does not give me a response...

    The expression

    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
        if( ! $IsSA ) {
            $q->where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
            $q->or_where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
            if ($IsAdmin) {

    should return :

    // if not $IsAdmin
    where 'utilisateurs.Administrateur' = 0 OR 'utilisateurs.ID' = $UsrID
    // if $IsAdmin
    where 'utilisateurs.Administrateur' = 0 OR 'utilisateurs.ID' = $UsrID OR 'utilisateurs.ID' ID null

    and this is what I expect

    Other question.... if the where clause display row correctly on refresh, the same condition should show the same row after create, not ? Actually this return a duplicate row.... Do you mind a incorrect where clause should show duplicate row ?

    Where am I wrong ?


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    I do update the sample shown... The where clause is strictly the same for distances and prestations, but the result not...
    Adding in distances is OK, in prestations NOK

        switch ($TblName) {
            case 'distances': {
                Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
                        Field::inst( 'distances.ID'),
                        Field::inst( 'distances.Libelle')
                            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
                        Field::inst( 'distances.Couleur' ),
                        Field::inst( 'distances.Mini' )
                            // ->validator( Validate::notEmpty(
                                // ValidateOptions::inst()
                                    // ->message( 'merci de saisir la distance mini SVP' )
                            // )
                            ->validator( Validate::minMaxNum( 0, 999, '.',
                                    ->message( 'la distance minimale doit être comprise entre 0 et 999' )
                        Field::inst( 'distances.Maxi' )
                            // ->validator( Validate::notEmpty(
                                // ValidateOptions::inst()
                                    // ->message( 'merci de saisir la distance maxi SVP' )
                            // )
                                Validate::minMaxNum( 1, 1000, '.',
                                        ->message( 'la distance maximale doit être comprise entre 1 et 1000' )
                        Field::inst( 'distances.ID_Utilisateur')
                            ->options( extOptions::inst()
                                        return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';
                                ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                                    if( ! $IsSA ) {
                                        $q->where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                                        if( $IsAdmin) {
                                            $q->or_where('Administrateur', 0, '=');
                            ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
                        Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
                    ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'distances.ID_Utilisateur' )
                    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                        if( ! $IsSA ) {
                            $q->where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                            if($IsAdmin) {
                                $q->or_where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
                    ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->process( $_POST )
            case 'prestations': {
                Editor::inst( $db, $TblName )
                        Field::inst( 'prestations.ID'),
                        Field::inst( 'prestations.Libelle')
                            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( 'le libellé ne peut être vide' )
                        Field::inst( 'prestations.Couleur' ),
                        Field::inst( 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur')
                            ->options( extOptions::inst()
                                        return $row['Nom'].' '.$row['Prenom'].' ('.$row['ID'].')';
                                ->where( function($q) use ($IsSA, $IsAdmin, $UsrID) {
                                    if( ! $IsSA ) {
                                        $q->where('ID', $UsrID, '=');
                                        if( $IsAdmin) {
                                            $q->or_where('Administrateur', 0, '=');
                            ->setFormatter( 'Format::ifEmpty', null )
                        Field::inst( 'utilisateurs.Nom' )
                    ->leftJoin( 'utilisateurs', 'utilisateurs.ID', '=', 'prestations.ID_Utilisateur' )
                    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                        if( ! $IsSA ) {
                            $q->where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                            if($IsAdmin) {
                                $q->or_where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');
                    ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'C', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $values, $row ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'M', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->on( 'postRemove', function ( $editor, $id, $values ) use( $TblName)  {logChange( 'S', $id, $TblName, $values );} )
                    ->process( $_POST )
  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin

    There is not where clause about

    Editor adds it so it will only get the data required.

    You need to wrap your or_where statements in another where function - e.g.:

    ->where( function ( $q ) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
        if( ! $IsSA ) {
            $q->where( function $(r) use ( $IsAdmin, $IsSA, $UsrID ) {
                $r->where('utilisateurs.ID', $UsrID, '=');
                if($IsAdmin) {
                    $r->or_where('utilisateurs.Administrateur', 0, '=');

    That inner where will automatically group your X AND Y OR Z in parenthesis for SQL.


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    Hi Allan
    Thanks for this response.
    I did not know editor was adding a where condition...
    So I'll do as you tell me

    But, can you explain why after refresh this where sentence does what I expect (just for information)

    Best regards

  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4
    edited November 2020

    and why with distance this where clause run OK ?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    The condition being run before was:

      `utilisateurs`.`Administrateur` = :where_0 OR
      `utilisateurs`.`ID` = :where_1 OR
      `utilisateurs`.`ID` IS NULL AND
      `prestations`.`id` = :where_3 "

    Note the lack of parenthesis. That is the same as A or B or (C and D).

    You want:

        `utilisateurs`.`Administrateur` = :where_0 OR
        `utilisateurs`.`ID` = :where_1 OR
        `utilisateurs`.`ID` IS NULL
      ) AND
      `prestations`.`id` = :where_3 "

    which that inner ->where() will do. Does for that method available here.


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    Hi @allan
    Sorry for that but I can't understant why after create and after refresh this (wrong) filter should produce different result...
    I apologies for this question but if you could explain this point...

  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    After the create action it added `` :where_3 " so that it will only read back the newly created row.

    When loading the table initially (or on reload) that extra statement isn't present, thus all of the data is loaded without issue.


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4

    Thank Allan

    Do you think a global parenthesis on where clause passed should be added before adding the inner where, so result should be the same before and after refresh ?


  • allanallan Posts: 63,939Questions: 1Answers: 10,539 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    It did used to do that - but I removed it to provide some additional flexibility. But yes, I can see that it would be useful in this case. I'll look into options for that.


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