select options from in the same table

select options from in the same table Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited December 2020 in Free community support

As I use a select optiom from in the same table, I have a table that stores for each id_user a id_validator, the id_validator in turn corresponds to an id of a user from the same table. In other words, users will be able to select the person who will be their validator from the list in the users table. The problem I have is that I have to call the "user" table to load the data and in turn I have to call the "user" table to show the validator list, I manage to do part of this, but for some reason the data is not saved, I have modified many options and I can not find the solution:

include( "lib/DataTables.php" );

// Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use

// The following statement can be removed after the first run (i.e. the database
// table has been created). It is a good idea to do this to help improve
// performance.

// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $db, 'usuario', 'idusuario' )
        Field::inst( 'usuario.id_validador')
        ->validator( Validate::dbValues() ),
        //->get( false ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.nombre' )
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty() )
            ->validator( Validate::minLen(1) ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.apellido' )
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty() )
            ->validator( Validate::minLen(1) ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.correo' )
        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty())
        ->validator( Validate::email() ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.clave' )
                ->get( false ) // never read from the db
                ->setFormatter( function ( $val, $data ) {
                    return md5( $val );
                } ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.id_unitat' )
            ->options( Options::inst()
                ->table( 'unitat_int' )
                ->value( '')
                ->label( 'unitat_int.nom')
        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty())
        ->validator( Validate::dbValues() ),
        Field::inst( 'unitat_int.nom'),
        Field::inst( 'usr2.id_validador')
            ->set( false ) // never read from the db
            ->options( Options::inst()
                ->table( 'usuario' )
                ->value( 'usuario.idusuario')
                ->label( 'usuario.correo')
        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty()),
        Field::inst( 'usr2.correo' ),
        Field::inst( 'usr2.idusuario' ),
        Field::inst( 'usuario.rol' )
            ->options( Options::inst()
            ->table( 'rol' )
            ->value( 'rol.idrol')
            ->label( 'rol.rol')
        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty()),
        Field::inst( 'rol.rol' )
        ->validator( Validate::dbValues() 
        ->on('preEdit', function ( $editor,$id, $values ) {
             if (!isset( $values['usuario']['clave'] ) || $values['usuario']['clave'] === '' ) {
                ->field( 'usuario.clave' )
                ->set( false )
                ->get( false );
        /*  $editor
            ->field( 'usuario.id_validador' )
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty());*/
         ->on( 'preCreate', function ( $editor, $values ){
            ->field( 'usuario.clave' )
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty() )
            ->validator( 'Validate::minMaxNum', array(
                'min' => 1000,
                'max' => 9999999999,
                'message' => 'introduïu una contrasenya numèrica de min 4 dígits'
            ) )
        /*  $editor
            ->field( 'usuario.id_validador' )
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty());
    ->leftJoin( 'unitat_int', '', '=', 'usuario.id_unitat')
    ->leftJoin( 'usuario as usr2', 'usr2.id_validador', '=', 'usuario.idusuario')
    ->leftJoin( 'rol', 'usuario.rol', '=', 'rol.idrol')
    ->process( $_POST )

Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.


  • LapointeLapointe Posts: 430Questions: 81Answers: 4
    edited December 2020

    I do not understand... Why do you use a usr2 ?

    Just get the userlist as a select from the usuario table and set it in the usuario field

            Field::inst( 'usuario.id_validador')
                ->options( Options::inst()
                    ->table( 'usuario' )
                    ->value( 'usuario.idusuario')
                    ->label( 'usuario.correo')
            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty()),

    You may edit one table at a time, not ?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,054Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin


    I think Lapointe is spot on! You are performing a self -referencing join, but it looks like your fields are slightly confused.

    What I think is wrong in your code above is the Field::inst( 'usuario.id_validador'). I think it should be:

    Field::inst( 'usuario.id_validador')

    Also remove:

            Field::inst( 'usuario.id_validador')
            ->validator( Validate::dbValues() ),

    This assumes that you want to set the id_validador value to be a value in the usuario table.


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