SearchPanes Filter values with ampersand

SearchPanes Filter values with ampersand

wgbwgb Posts: 5Questions: 1Answers: 0

When my filter contains a value with an ampersand (a & b), the filter count shows the correct number of rows value, when you click on it to filter, the pane clears and shows the correct rows (recent fix in 1.2.2). However, when I go back to the filter panel, any filter with an ampersand is no longer selected. Using my test case: select Brighton & Hove and London. The results shows correctly the 3 rows and Filters Active shows 2. When I enter the filter to make changes, the Brighton & Hove is no longer selected and Filters Active shows 1.

Link to my test case:


  • JLegaultJLegault Posts: 31Questions: 6Answers: 2

    I was unable to reproduce your results. I found that the pane did not find the elements with ampersands but the pane kept it selected. I would recommend trying with & replacing the ampersands.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    This was a known problem but has been addressed in the latest release - I've updated your sources here and everything appears to be behaving for me.


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