Adding content to columns which were initiated as "mDataProp": null, makes them un-sortable

Adding content to columns which were initiated as "mDataProp": null, makes them un-sortable

tankchintantankchintan Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2011 in DataTables 1.8
In my app I need to render the table first with one column pre-filled and then progressively fill other columns. In my simplest case after initiating the datatable I fill the first column with data and then fill the next 2 columns using fnUpdate. A word of note here during initialization all the columns but the first had mDataProp = null.

So after filling up the data I try to click on the new column headers but no sort happens on it. Here is the jsfiddle link which has the simplest example. I also experimented with keeping all the columns first visible and then making them visible just before I add new column data.

Please help.


  • tankchintantankchintan Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Actually I figured, that if I dont use mDataProp = null then I my columns are sortable. But this makes my life harder because then I have to set a default value, which I dont want to because it doesnt make sense to.
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