Now on, EFDatatable supports .net core

Now on, EFDatatable supports .net core

ekondurekondur Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0

EFDatatable.Core released, you can create datatable with tag helper easy way.

<datatable name="PersonGrid">
        <column field="Id" visible="false" />
        <column field="Name" width="50" title="Full Name" />
        <column field="Age" />
        <command-item field="Id" on-click="onClick" btn-class="btn btn-info" text="Edit" icon-class="fa fa-edit"/>
        <commands field="Id" text="Actions" items='new [] { new Command("Update", "onClick"), new Command("Delete", "onClick") }'/>
    <data-source url="@Url.Action("GetDataResult")" method="POST" server-side="true" data="addParam"/>
    <language url="//"/>
        <add field="Id" value="1" operand="GreaterThanOrEqual"/>
    <captions top="top caption here" bottom="bottom caption here"/>
    <render />

Install EFDatatable.Core for .Net Core and use tag helpers.

PM> Install-Package EFDatatable.Core

Project URL:


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