Localisation with Json language does not work with editor buttons "New, Edit, delete"
Localisation with Json language does not work with editor buttons "New, Edit, delete"

Link to test case:
Debugger code (debug.datatables.net):
Error messages shown:
Description of problem:
I am trying to localise my application in different languages.
I have downloaded the json file to translate the various messages. A fem messages are missing but I can add them up and eventually feed as contribution to your file.
On the other end the buttons New, Edit Delete... are not translated.
I read a couple of post mentioning to initialise into initComplete but apart from that I did not find and translation int the json files.
How should I do?
Sorry for the silly question.
I have found out that I can add manually the buttons translation in the json file:
They were not in by default but adding them solved the problem.