Modify SearchPanes according to filter

Modify SearchPanes according to filter

iJoseDarioiJoseDario Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have implemented a SearchPanes in my project and it works without problems, but I wish that when filtering the SearchPanes it would be updated and filtered as well. For example, this is my SearchPanes:

The idea is that, if I select, for example, Daniel Fonseca (the first employee) the Date, Time and Service records will automatically update to only what matches Daniel Fonseca.

Currently if I select any employee all the other search criteria remain the same, then if I select Daniel Fonseca and January 09/2021 does not show any results because there are no records that match those search criteria.

I don't know how to do this. Is it possible to do this? How can I do it?

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