full editor usage example in webform
full editor usage example in webform
I have am aspx page wich, loads data calling a web service call customers.asmx. This call is being made asyncronously using ajax. having loaded customers data, i need to be able to perform crud operations. So, i need to have avainablethe new, edit and delete and post actions. So, for this i have purcjhased a license of the editor so to be able to accompish this. But i donot know how to display these buttons with the editor usage. Is there any example of how to use the editor in sunc a case?
Have you looked at the .NET manual pages - as that would be the best place to start? That goes through the configuration and the initialisation. Also, the examples are worth looking at if you haven't already, as they demonstrate the client-side configuration.
If that doesn't help, could you give more information about the problems you're seeing, and if possible link to your page,
Hi Colin. Thank you for the response. I have looked into the .NET maual pages along with the examples you mentoned. Unfortunately, these do not cover my need
Let me clarify first my need.
I have a table , lets say customer with the fields name, code (both defined as strings), companyId (which is of type integer and points to another table lets's say comapnies). The table customer has a field defined as datetime.
The client side must display a table of these fields. In order to avoid flickerings, i would like the client side to load data on loading from as aspx page (server side) calling a webservice defined in it.
I would like to have all crud operations implemented with the use of the editor i bught from you. The problem is i dono have a full example (of a respective client and respective aspx)
I would appreciate your help. Thank you
We don't have a demo package for Editor which shows WebForm usage with Editor (instead choosing to focus our .NET demos on WebAPI since it generally fits better with the Ajax paradigm), but there is a manual page showing examples of how you can have Editor work in your WebForm environment.
Could you show me your code, and I'll take a look over it to see if I can find any issues?
Thank you Colin for your answer. I have found the solution to the problem.
If you like to have this code as an example, please fill free to ask it.
Hi @hliasmin , thanks for that offer, that would be very useful in case anyone else has the same setup problems!