SearchPanes Button opens partial Search Pane

SearchPanes Button opens partial Search Pane

MadBoyEvoMadBoyEvo Posts: 119Questions: 38Answers: 0

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Description of problem:

When you open up SearchPane via button it only shows a partial window. The more things to search the fewer things are visible.

Any way why that happens? Bult-in Search Pane seems to work fine, just the one that opens on button press fails.

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  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599
    Answer ✓

    It's because you have the class overflowHidden on your container - so you are explicitly saying you want everything within the size of the container. You need to either remove that, or make the container larger,


  • MadBoyEvoMadBoyEvo Posts: 119Questions: 38Answers: 0

    You're right. I now need to figure out how to remove overflowhidden without impacting other code - but I know what to look for. Thank you!

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