Datatables sorting and filtering very slow(non-ajax)
Datatables sorting and filtering very slow(non-ajax)
I'm using the adminBSB Material design's theme:
I have datatable of 254 rows with 6 columns. The sorting is enabled and I have added few filters, and when I sort/click on a filter, it is hella slow, like 3-5 seconds freeze, then load.
Here's my datatables init code:
var oTable2 = $('.table_06').DataTable( {
initComplete: function () {
And I have added the filtering code:
// Date range filter
minDateFilter = "";
maxDateFilter = "";
function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
if ($('.table_06').length) {
var to_return = true;
oTable2.rows().every(function () {
var row = this;
if (row.index()==iDataIndex) {
if ($('#news_cats_filter').val()) {
var category = row.nodes().to$().data('cat');
if (category) {
if (category.indexOf($('#news_cats_filter').val()) < 0) {
to_return = false;
} else {
to_return = false;
if ($('#news_paymentprov_filter').val()) {
var payprov = row.nodes().to$().data('payprov');
if (payprov) {
if (payprov.indexOf($('#news_paymentprov_filter').val()) < 0) {
to_return = false;
} else {
to_return = false;
return false;
if (!to_return) {
return false;
if ($('.table_05').length) {
if (typeof aData._date == 'undefined') {
aData._date = new Date(aData[5]).getTime();
if (minDateFilter && !isNaN(minDateFilter)) {
if (aData._date < minDateFilter) {
return false;
if (maxDateFilter && !isNaN(maxDateFilter)) {
if (aData._date > maxDateFilter) {
return false;
return true;
Can the speed of filtering/ordering be improved? I think it loops somewhere since the CPU gets overloaded
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
Your filter is looping through the rows:
So this means, that for every row, you are filtering through every row, will exponentially slow down with the more rows you add.
I don't know what that filter is trying to do, but I'd suggest looking at the logic there. I'm unclear why you would need to loop through all the rows - a filter function should only need to look at the row that's being passed to it.
I forgot to add, on every row, I have a data-cat attribute, and data-[filter] for every other select(filter)
When I choose option from the dropdown/select, it should show rows having that data-cat attribute
OK, but instead of searching through all the rows to get the match, you can go straight to that row with:
problem fixed, just removed the each loop and used
var category = oTable2.row(dataIndex).nodes().to$().data('cat');