nuget package and related extension packages not copying over js and css files nuget package and related extension packages not copying over js and css files

I recently installed the latest datatables library via nuget ( v1.10.24) in visual studio 2019. However the js files did not copy over into the Scrips folder or anywhere else in the project. I checked the project solution packages folder and the files are there under the '' folder but not in project itself. I looked at your datatables.netDist github repository and saw that the nuspec file 'files' section did not contain target attributes for where to copy the files to. This issue is present across all the related extension nuget packages as well.
I am trying to migrate my projects from using the 3rd party jquery.datatables nuget package and use your supported one, so my question is are there any plans to fix this soon?
Thanks for flagging this up. This is indeed a mistake on our part, assuming that nuget packages would work in a similar way to npm. Apparently not! A will ensure that this gets done for the next releases.
I am experiencing the same problem with installing datatables using NuGet. Do you have an expected completion date for this issue?
I had to install Version 1.10.10 works and installs the JS files in the scripts folder. No new version works..
We expected 1.10.25 with this change set to address that issue as it now does:
Could you confirm that it was 1.10.25 you tried to install and the file wasn't in